Stable Discussion
Originally a podcast I created with my coleague, Abdella Ali, around AI in early 2023. This has expanded into a regular YouTube channel where I share my perspectives on AI and technology. You can find it here.
There is also a companion blog where I share more about my perspective on AI and technology. You can find it at
Rangle Recordings
At Rangle I recently started recording sessions with my colleagues where we dive into some of the work we’re doing for clients. I’m really a huge fan of the discussion format for this and it feels authentic to the Rangle I know. Below is a collection of the various talks we’ve recorded and published on the Rangle Blog.
Headless 101
This is my favorite so far. We nailed the audio quality on this one and we’re diving into a new field that we’re seeing emerge in 2022. Nancy and I do a great job trying to cover everything with enough detail to keep everyone interested.
Learning Approaches for Angular
Believe it or not this was recorded on a phone sitting on a towel! I still can’t quite tell that it was unless I listen closely. Della and I are both passionate speakers so I think our ability to project our voices more than made up for the recording setup. This was a hard one to edit but I think we did a great job giving some niche information on Angular’s learning journey.
What Standalone Components Mean for Angular
This was the first recording we ever made. While we didn’t nail the introductions to ourselves, we did a great job of discussing the history of Angular and how the team arrived at standalone components. Della and I spend a lot of our walks discussing many things and I’m happy we finally made some into a recording.